Human Rights Law


Human Rights are a new political movement whose ideology has greatly influenced law over the last century. It is now at a level of constitutional consciousness throughout most of the world albeit that some of that consciousness is more defensive in its character than proactive in its expression and as manifested in action.

It is no more than an ideal. As such it requires advocates just as politics requires elected representatives; so too, it requires activists that are prepared to shock this modern world into new thought and change. It is a political and social movement that is quite akin the Women’s Movement in its character because the rights were always there but they were not recognised.

Necessity and need was the cause of that recognition that has evolved throughout the 20th to the 21st century like a second enlightenment. What since has been recognised must now be expanded and protected with diligence. The frailty of the ideology is no less than that of democracy and the rule of law. Their principle enemy is policy, criminality, recklessness, excessive officiousness, inequality and arbitrary and capricious decisions by government, global and multi international corporations, financial institutions, and, other state and semi state institutions. We all rely upon the rule of law to monitor and prevent our injustices and trespasses, in order to “love our neighbour” and distribute “our daily bread”.

In doing so, we try to recognise evil in its many guises and to be smart about intellectual mutations designed to appear benign but which are otherwise hidden agendas to change the course of social and political conventional wisdom for purposes of greed.

Greed and corruption are the ultimate enemy of human rights, not power. Power by the rule of law governed by the principles of human rights is the ultimate saviour of the future of mankind. Mankind only has a future based on legitimacy and respect for mankind’s only habitat, the earth and those who actually harvest it. Greed achieved by law is a manifest contradiction to legitimacy. Policy without compliance to the rule of law engenders greed and endangers human rights.

The failure and inadequacies of the human rights movement can be corrected by the rule of law with an aspiration for legitimacy and justice that overcomes unfairness and applies equity with concern and intellectual intelligence. Human Rights are not just about conflict resolution; they are about mankind living together with fairness and dignity for all. The key to those are love, law and community. There is a real political basis for human rights.The power of greed and corruption must always be questioned and ultimately eliminated by constant collective challenge and solidarity for human rights at home, beginning especially within our own nation.